Table of Contents
Latest Release
To install ABBYY FlexiCapture: Place the ABBYY FlexiCapture CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. On the Autorun menu, select Local installation and follow the instructions for the setup program. (If Autorun is disabled on your computer, double-click the setup.exe file located on the CD-ROM). Select a setup language (either English or Russian).
- FlexiCapture Capture data from any documents, from structured forms and surveys to unstructured text-heavy papers. Thank you for your interest in ABBYY products! The link to download the program was sent to your e-mail. Best regards, ABBYY team.
- FineReader Engine & FlexiCapture Engine (Win) contain pre-compiled code-samples so it is very easy to test some features without coding. Since the source is also included developers can re-use the code.
FlexiCapture Engine 12 - Release 2 (08.02.2019)
Download the latest release:
FlexiCapture Engine 12 – Login needed
Free download of the latest distributive is available for ABBYY customers with a valid Software Maintenance Agreement.
Please contact your Account Manager for login information.
New Features & Improvements
- Flexible export options
Reduce the amount of storage needed for your documents! With our new export options, it is now possible to manage the size and quality of your output files to achieve maximum efficiency in your data storage policy. Export improvements include: ability to select PDF/A format during the export, export a tagged PDF, fast web view option for PDFs, ability not to write a BOM character on export to UTF
- Cloud deployment
Cloud environments are becoming more popular, and more customers are hosting their services in the cloud. The new FlexiCapture Engine can be run in these virtual environments, containers and virtual machines.
- Compatibility with FineReader Engine API
Take advantage of using powerful ABBYY solutions in combination to complete challenging projects!
- Data capture for different types of documents
ABBYY FlexiCapture Engine provides tools for extracting data from fixed forms and semi-structured documents. All required data fields can be quickly located and extracted in an appropriate format.

- High performance and responsiveness
The performance and responsiveness of server applications can be improved by creating a pool of processors running in parallel in separate processes. Client requests processed independently by separate CPU cores, without having to wait in a queue, will make the server application more responsive. Alternatively, a single long task split into parts and processed in parallel can utilize the full power of multi-core CPUs, thus improving performance.
- World’s widest language base
Supporting 207 OCR and 112 ICR languages, FlexiCapture Engine simplifies localized application development, enabling developers to meet global customers’ needs more easily
- An extensive code samples library
A comprehensive set of code samples explain how to program using the SDK. Each library section has code snippets accompanied by step-by-step instructions on how to perform the relevant task.
- Improved OCR speed and quality
ABBYY FlexiCapture Engine includes the newest version of ABBYY OCR technologies. With the new generation of core technologies behind the Engine, you can process Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) texts faster and with better quality.
- Image enhancement and quality control
Now you can improve images captured by mobile devices both manually and automatically. The feature allows you to work with complex backgrounds of documents like IDs, insurance policies, etc.
- 32- and 64-bit support
FlexiCapture Engine FCE supports both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture of operating systems.
- Automated document separation
FlexiCapture Engine can be used to separate documents and to identify document types.
- Visual tools for creating document definitions fast
FlexiCapture Engine features visual development tools that enable development, testing, and maintenance of highly accurate data capture solutions for specific document types — without having to write a single line of code.
- Creation of document definitions by training
FlexiCapture Engine enables developers to create solutions that automatically learn new document types and identify relevant fields for data extraction.
- Mobile data capture with camera OCR technology
FlexiCapture Engine provides enterprises and ISVs with a platform for fast development of data capture applications with mobile front ends.
More details about individual features and the latest release distributive can be found on the download page.
Code Samples
- Once you have downloaded and installed FlexiCapture Engine 12 you can find and start all pre-compiled code samples here: Code Sample Library
Table of Contents
BusinessPricingMaintenanceServicesTrialBusiness DevelopmentABBYY Customers
- For evaluation purposes ABBYY offers free fully functional Trial Licences of all currently available SDK versions.
- time
- ABBYY provides basic support during the evaluation period, allowing interested developers to test the SDKs in real working conditions.
How to get an SDK Trial
To obtain a Trial Licence, we recommend to use the request forms on
You will be contacted by an ABBYY employee (or an SDK distribution partner)

The next steps will be:
- Sign the provided Trial Software Licence Agreement (TSLA)
(online or as PDF, depending where are you located) - Once the filled TSLA is submitted and approved you will receive
- a access to a download page
Once you received your Trial Licence key and downloaded the SDK you can:
- Activate your licence (when needed)
- Start evaluation & development - do not forget to evaluate the Code Samples
How to test Cloud OCR or CLI Linux
Download Free Movies
- sign up for a free developer account and start testing right away
- fill out the form and you will get your free trial right away
Abbyy Flexicapture Download Free Version
How to start with the SDK
- as CHM-help file or HTML-Help
- For most SDKs there is also a printable PDF available.
- There are code samples for different programming environments
- FineReader Engine & FlexiCapture Engine (Win) contain pre-compiled code-samples so it is very easy to test some features without coding. Since the source is also included developers can re-use the code.
- For Mobile OCR Engine ABBYY offers a special Test Shell running on Windows