- ACD/NMR Processor Academic Edition 12.01 Build 39104 Misc. Graphics software developed by Advanced Chemistry Development. The license of this misc. Graphics software is shareware, you can free download and get a free trial before you buy a registration or license.
- It was announced this week that the ACD NMR Processor Academic Edition is freely available for non-commercial use and can be downloaded from the ACD Website. Other Windows based NMR processing software packages are available and here is a listing of where they can be downloaded: 1) SpinWorks – written by Kirk Marat at the.
- How to Install CrossOver to run ACD/NMR Processor Academic Edition Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. After you've downloaded CrossOver check out our YouTube tutorial video to the left, or visit the CrossOver Chrome OS walkthrough for specific steps.
- Acd/nmr Processor Academic Edition Download
- Acd Nmr Processor Free Download
- Acd Nmr Processor Download Free
- Acd Spectrus Processor
ACD/Labs provides the following chemistry software free for personal, home, and educational use. To see our full range of software on the ACD/Spectrus and ACD/Percepta platforms, please.
There are four options.
#1) MestreNova
The University of Kansas has a campus-wide license for MestreNova software. Download the latest version from the MestreLabs website. Install the software and contact Justin or Sarah via email for the license file. Follow the onscreen instructions for activating the license file. The license file can also be activated using the 'help' menu.

MestreNova is powerful software. For help getting started see MestreLabs resources and/or our guide to NMR data processing using MestreNova (PDF).
#2) Bruker Topspin
Bruker offers its software free to academia. Register for an account and download the software from the Bruker website.
Acd/nmr Processor Academic Edition Download
Acd Nmr Processor Free Download
ACD only runs natively on Windows. The NMR data processor is now freeware (for academic users) and can be downloaded directly from ACD labs.
Acd Nmr Processor Download Free
#4) SpinWorks
Acd Spectrus Processor
SpinWorks is freeware developed by Kirt Marat at the University of Manitoba. It is free ('as in beer'), but only runs natively on Windows. Executables can be download from U of M NMR lab website.