GREAT Seminars and Books. 2639 Revere Drive, Akron, OH 44333 Phone: 877 794 7328 Fax 330 865 6941 Email: Hospital staffs ‘are dreading’ what’s coming as virus pandemic in U.S. Enters uncharted territory The U.S. Is seeing record highs in daily new confirmed coronavirus cases as the pandemic hits the country with full force as the weather cools.
Past Workshops:
Flipped Learning
Friday, April 19, 2013; 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. in CWH 117
This workshop will introduce participants to the basic concepts of flipped learning where instructors reorganize learning experiences through consideration of the benefits of both online and face-to-face environments. Participants will examine their own use of classroom time and consider ways that it might be optimized by moving course components between in-class and out-of-class. Participants will be introduced to several software applications for creating learning resources, discuss instructional strategies useful in flipped learning and consider best practices for facilitating online and offline learning experiences. Slides
More Teaching Strategies to Support Critical Thinking
Friday November 9; 2:15 -3:30 p.m. in CWH 117
The workshop will review additional approaches faculty can use to help students develop critical thinking skills. You do not need to have participated in the previous workshop to attend.
Designing Assignments and Instructional Practices to Promote Critical Thinking: a two-part workshop using backward design principles to foster improvements in critical thinking
Thursday September 20; 2:15 - 4:30 p.m. CWH 334 or Friday September 21; 2:15 -4:30 p.m. CWH 117
Part 1: A Working Session to Design and Refine Assignments that Promote Critical Thinking (approximately 75 min)
A brief presentation will highlight some important assignment design principles. Then instructors will work in pairs or small teams to design or redesign an assignment or question to better address the CBA critical thinking objectives and make critical thinking 'visible'. Come prepared with an idea about a course topic or learning gap for which you want to design an assignment, or bring an existing assignment that you would like to improve to better address critical thinking skills. To encourage collaboration, especially in core courses, you are encouraged to talk to colleagues teaching the same course to identify this topic or learning gap in advance. This session will end with sharing of approaches as well as hurdles. Assignments or drafts will be electronically shared to create a pool of ideas which operationalize the objective in your particular context.
Part 2: Integrating Instructional Practices that Promote Critical Thinking (approximately 60 min)
Even with well-designed assignments, students may not understand elements of critical thinking. How do we 'teach' critical thinking? How do we build learning experiences that prepare students to do what we expect them to do? When registering, you will indicate your interest in a list of instructional tactics, and at least three of these will be reviewed in the workshop. Participants then discuss how/whether the approach would scaffold skills for the assignment designed in Part 1.
A follow-up gathering is planned for participants in January to share experiences tried during the fall semester. The hope is to generate a pool of examples to help instructors refine strategies to address critical thinking skills.

Designing Assignments that Promote Critical Thinking
Workshop was designed for CBA faculty to address how assignments could be designed and taught to better promote critical thinking skills
Presented by Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning
Efficient and Effective Feedback: Responding to Student Writing in Business Courses
Aol Online Courses
Workshop was designed for CBA faculty to specifically address faculty concerns about how to efficiently provide meaningful feedback to students about their writing.
Presented by Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning
Improving Students' Writing in Business Courses

Workshop was designed for CBA faculty to address broad ideas about writing improvement and generate discussion around these ideas.
Aol Courses Near Me
Presented by Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning
AOL Course – Eye Gazing and Dancing
Aol Courses List
The time now is 5 PM and we have laughed our Asses off. We go in for a short break and gather in the Kutir after 20 minutes.
Teacher says next exercise is very powerful. This is an exercise which will help us connect with other persons.
Aol Courses In Pune
The process is something like this. We sit facing a partner and look at their eyes with no judgement and choicelessly. We live in a world where people shy away from looking straight at people and where we build walls around ourselves. This exercise reduces our barriers and defences with people.

We spend about ten to 20 minutes gazing at our partner and later on move on to another person and gaze at them. After about 20 minutes there is music and we hold hands with our partner and dance. I had heard of the Gazing exercise as a very key exercise done in many of the tantra groups in Osho Commune and elsewhere. But first time I have got to practice this.
Aol Counseling
The exercise of Gazing finishes at around 5:40 and we start dancing with our partners. At first some folks are hesistant, especially the traditional people who have come to the course for some religious merit. Some remain hesistant and bitter but those who lower their defences and participate enjoy the whole thing. We are all dancing to a slow sitar music. I think I have heard this music before. Maybe by pandit Ravishankar but not sure. I have a feeling that the music is a little bit slow for dancing. But slowly the music is changed to some high tempo bhajan of a raslila. We dance to the tune of radha- krishna something. Its a celebration.
All of a sudden dramatically Ravishankar enters the kutirs and starts Dancing with all of us. He holds hands with us and we dance. It is nice and surreal. It goes on for some more time maybe for another half an hour. Some of us are sweating and having a nice dance workout. Finally we all settle down. Ravishankar settles down and sits on his throne. There are many more people who have joined. The whole kutir is full. Some folks have brought the musical instruments. The satsang starts.